Saturday, December 7, 2013

How to Care for and Maintain your AC

            Today, our city got blasted by a massive snowstorm. Cars were getting stuck, visibility was poor, and people were slipping and sliding all over the quickly-forming icy roads and sidewalks. At a time like this, the last thing anyone wants to think about is their AC unit. Why would you think about something that’s meant to keep you cold, right?

            Even during the frigid winter season, it’s a good idea to think about the coming spring and summer seasons. If your AC unit isn’t properly protected during these cold months, when summer rolls around, you’ll find yourself sweating and swearing as your AC unit refuses to work. During the winter, you should make sure your AC unit is properly protected against snowfall and debris. The best way to go about doing this is to cover up the outdoor unit with a tarp or some other sort of protective material. This will protect the unit from the harsh winter weather and allow it to last longer.

            Protecting your AC unit from the bad weather is only one aspect of properly caring for and maintaining your unit. The main kind of maintenance includes doing routine checkups on you AC during those hot summer months to ensure it’s working at full potential with the highest energy efficiency possible. When it comes down to maintenance, there are two big things you always want to check: filters and coils.

            Filters are a huge part of your AC unit, as they’ll filter out dust from the air to make every breath cleaner and healthier. If your filter is clogged or dirty, it’ll block the normal airflow and make the air that does come through polluted. Because of this, a dirty and clogged filter can reduce your system’s efficiency by as much as 15% and may cause respiratory problems or even asthma attacks to those that are sensitive to pollution.

            When you’re looking replace your filter (say the filter is too worn to be cleaned), consider buying reusable filters for your unit. If reusable, you’ll be able to save some money on buying new filters. If not, your filter will need to be replaced every month to two months while you’re using the AC.

            Another huge part of maintaining your AC unit is making sure the coils are in good shape. By this, I mean make sure the coils aren’t covered in dirt. If the coils become too dirty, they won’t be able to properly absorb heat from the atmosphere and your home won’t cool down as nicely. Additionally, dirty coils means you’ll have your AC on longer to try and cool down your home, which means a higher energy bill and bigger energy waste.

            To ensure your coils stay clean, check on them every month to two months. Since these coils are found on your AC unit outside, heavy sandstorms, dust storms, and even windstorms can add debris and dirt to them. If the environment outside is particularly dusty, take preventive measures to care for your AC unit. If the unit is near foliage, make sure the plants are trimmed back to allow 2 feet of space for the AC system.

            When you think it’s time to buy replacement parts, check for some great discounts on the tools and equipment you need:

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