Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Quick Fix on Brizo Faucets

            Hello everyone,
Today we’ll be talking about how to do one quick repair on your Brizo faucet. While I’ll be talking specifically about Brizo faucets, the tips and strategies in this post can be readily used for most other faucets.
We’ll start by spending some time discussing a faucet’s lifespan. All Brizo faucets have a limited lifespan. Depending on the way the faucet is treated and how much it’s used, you can help increase or decrease this lifespan. Like most faucets, Brizo faucets are meant to be durable and long-lasting. With that said, the normal lifespan of your Brizo faucet is about 10 years. In the midst of those years, you may encounter some common problems that all faucets have. While things like a noisy faucet, a leaky faucet, squeaky handles, or a spitting faucet are all common problems with quick fixes, today we’ll only be talking about how to fix a noisy faucet.
If you have an older Brizo faucet that’s in need of repair, depending on the age of the faucet, it may be more beneficial to simply purchase a new faucet. How can you tell if your faucet is ready to be retired?
1.      The threads on the aerator are worn, faded, or corroded.
2.      The finish has mostly faded and there are small cracks visible on the handle or neck.
3.      The internal parts are broken beyond repair or seem to break quickly after being replaced.
If any of this sounds like your faucet, it’s time to remove and replace. It may be a little costly, but if you’re serious about keeping a Brizo faucet while not spending a large amount of money, search online at some third-party plumbing sites to find better deals. If you’re not sure where to start, try Plumbersstock.com. This reliable site offers a huge selection of Brizo faucets are reduced prices, while keeping the same high customer service and quality you except.
Now, if you’re faucet isn’t on its last legs, try these quick fixes to repair your noisy faucet quickly and efficiently.

Noisy Faucet:
If your faucet is screeching or clanking every time you use it, it could be one of two things. Either your washer needs to be replaced, or you have a cracked or broken internal piece. Like anything else, over time, your rubber washer will get worn and frayed with time. If this is the case, your washer has probably grown hard and any water passing over it will cause a loud screech. Replacing your rubber washer with a new one of the same size will fix that problem. Make sure you coat the washer with a thin layer of plumber’s grease before reinstalling your faucet.
If this doesn’t fix the problem, something inside the faucet neck may be broken. While a loud clanking noise may just be the sign of some old pipes, if it sounds like the clanking noise is coming straight from the faucet itself, check to see if anything is broken inside. Take apart the faucet and look for anything that seems out of place or broken. If you find something, take these parts to your local hardware store and ask for a replacement. Once the internal pieces have been replaced, the clanking should stop.
            I hope this was useful for you all! Keep checking back to see more tips, tricks, and guides!

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